Investment Management Resources
GIPS Standards
The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) are voluntary standards based on the fundamental principles of full disclosure and fair representation of investment performance results.
CFA Institute
The CFA Institute promotes the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence. The CFA Institute is the premier global association for investment management professionals.
Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)
The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) Program leverages the expertise of CFA Institute, the respected global leader in investment education, ethics, and standards, to deliver practice-based approaches and develop skills for effective investment performance evaluation and manager selection.
What is Investment Consulting?
Investment consultants work with investors to provide them with the best tailored financial advice. Their duties include identifying investment goals, formulating investment strategies, issuing client documents, and more.
SEC Marketing Rule
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced in December, 2020 that it had finalized reforms under the Investment Advisers Act to modernize rules that govern investment adviser advertisements and payments to solicitors.
OCIO - What is an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer?
Outsourced Chief Investment Officers, or OCIOs, are third-party solutions providers who aim to serve as an extension of the client asset owner’s team. The core function of the OCIO is to implement and take discretion for the day-to-day investment management on behalf of the institutions to allow them to make strategic decisions and use their time more efficiently. Each client’s unique objectives and challenges may dictate why they seek OCIO services.
Investment Industry Publications
These GIPS-based publications/links are a 'must have' for any GIPS Compliant Firm and/or Performance Analyst:
Complying with the Global Investment Performance Standards - Bruce J. Feibel and Karyn D. Vincent
Complying with the Global Investment Performance Standards details the 2010 GIPS Standards and outlines all of the GIPS Rules, with explanations, illustrations, etc.
Investment Performance Measurement - Bruce J. Feibel
The Investment Performance Measurement book is a must have for any Performance Manager, for it provides real Excel-based guidance on the most common performance-related topics.
The Checklist Manifesto - Atul Gawande
The Checklist Manifestor is a good read if you are a detail oriented person that loves Process.
Additional Resources for Investment Management Firms
SEC Enforcement Actions
This page provides information on SEC enforcement actions, opinions issued by the Commission, briefs filed by SEC staff, trading suspensions, and notices concerning the creation of investors claims funds in specific cases.
GIPS 2020 Standards for Firms
The 2020 GIPS Standards for Firms are the recognized standard for calculating and presenting investment performance around the world. This document is part of the GIPS 2020 revamp, whereby the details are specifically for Firms wishing to become GIPS compliant.
GIPS 2020 Standards for Asset Owners
The 2020 GIPS Standards for Asset Owners are the recognized standard for calculating and presenting investment performance around the world. This document is part of the GIPS 2020 revamp, whereby the details are specifically for Asset Owners wishing to become GIPS compliant.
GIPS 2020 Standards for Verifiers
The 2020 GIPS Standards for Verifiers are the recognized standard for calculating and presenting investment performance around the world. This document is part of the GIPS 2020 revamp, whereby the details are specifically for Verification firms providing services.
GIPS Implementation Resources from the CFA Institute
The above link is a link to the GIPS Implementation Resources and Tools for Firms Considering Compliance with the GIPS Standards.
GIPS 2010 Q&A Database
The GIPS Standards 2010 Q&A database contains questions and answers (Q&As) on various searchable topics that provide additional interpretation on an issue. Q&As are considered to be authoritative guidance and must be followed in order to claim compliance with the GIPS standards.
Guide for Creating a GIPS Policies and Procedures Manual
This guide for creating a Policies and Procedures Manual does not cover every GIPS standards requirement and recommendation, but provides a good start resource for Firms wishing to become GIPS compliant.